Thursday, May 15, 2008

"Never Vanilla Ice, But Always A Queen..." and other life stories.

The bad news is, it's week seven of the quarter and staffers around the Southeast Ohio newsroom seem a little stressed. The good news is, all of the stories for our Summer / Fall issue are written and are in the process of being copy-edited and fact-checked. Today, the web staff is hard at work on our community calendar items, Britta is checking lists of subscribers and a team of staffers is formulating catchy headlines. This issue is on its way to completion!

Working together since the beginning of the quarter, our staff has bonded and feels, at the risk of sounding cheesy, a little like a family. On Tuesday, Ellen invited us over her beautiful house to enjoy lasagna and Ohio University's renowned specialty dessert, Ho-Ho cake. Editor-in-Chief Karen had never experienced the joy of Ho-Ho cake, and she said, "It was amazing. It was better than expected."

In other news, Carissa has been named "Mean Editor" and Karen is "Nice Editor." They even have T-shirts to prove it. Yes, we get a little crazy around here. Case in point: fellow web staffer Dana and I did a little survey of our staff members last week, and we received some fascinating answers. Read on:

The question: What journalist would you want to date?
The answers:
Ryan: "Absolutely Jon Stewart. Even if he doesn't want to hold hands."
Katie: "Ted Conover, because anyone who could interview people at a prison must be pretty courageous--and dateable."

The question: If you could be an office supply item, what would you be?
The answers:
Tony: "A stapler, because they always bring things together."
Megan: "What constitutes an office supply? I'd be a Post-It note because I could travel around and be neon-colored."

The question: What would the title of the story of your life be?
The answers:
Erin: "Never Vanilla Ice, But Always a Queen."
James: "Neurotic Photographer Tries to Get Ahead."

So, in between the many, many edits of stories and the multitude of phone calls to fact-check, we still manage to have a little bit of fun.
Until next time,
Meredith ;)

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